Thursday, February 12, 2009

RED CAMERA 4K Challenge Workflow for FCP

-Shoot Red 4K 2:1, RC36 to 320GB Red Drives

-Backup Red Drives to 2 eSATA drives via R3D Data Manager
-Use one of the drives as the edit drive.

-Log and Transfer in Final Cut Pro using the Native setting which wraps R3D in Redcode QT

-Change RT preferences to Unlimited, Low Quality Playback, Full Frame Rate

-Turn off Drop Frame warning (This results in choppy playback, but good enough for now)
Complete edit, prepare seqeunce for Color (remove titles, speed effects clips)

-Send To Color

-In Color, set all clips to Redspace (Colorspace) and Rec709 (Gamma) in Red Room

-Adjust color temp and tint on some of the clips

-Work mostly in Primary Room for color correction (Not enough time to do much else)

-Render clips to Uncompressed 10 bit

-Send back to Final Cut Pro.

-Add back titles and drop in speed clips (For this version we go with Redcode clips. this will be fixed later)

-Drop in finalized soundtrack which was scored by Timothy Maurice and edited and mixed by Mark Childers and Kandace Cummings.


-Export Quicktime movie (not self-contained)

-Use this to make upload version and to drop into a ProRes sequence to use for review (we get full playback).